
Croeso i fy mlog. Dwi di defnyddio template eggramen amdano hwn.

About me

What's this?

This is just a website I own, I had others before but after I got doxxed my info was tied to the old one, so whoops!
Anyways, if you want more info on me click the about me thingy... obviously...

Most recent update

18.4.2024 : Actually finished the homepage!!

Last fm

00:05, 25.04.24

err... ignore the last entry i got a tad emo.
I got these COOL ASS HEADPHONES! Skullcandy Crusher ANC 2 or something, but they're so comfy and the sound is immense. I need stickers for em though, they look too expensive and I dont wanna get mugged while I'm walking places cause my brother's mate got mugged for his headphones some 5 minutes away. SO if I make them look crap hopefully no one will bother mugging me!
I was drunk most of today, I brought jack daniels to school to get through lessons without throwing myself down the stairs, but I forgot I had a really important essay to write and I was tweaking throughout all of it and spelt introduction wrong like nine times. It's only 35% so I dunno why I was so out of it. I was proper slurring my speech though, might bring some gin tomorrow or just some of my papa's painkillers cause tomorrow is such a bad day, like my lessons are so shit.
My best friend is in a mental hospital, I wanna talk to him all the time but I know he's busy and shit. I miss him when we don't talk. I dunno if he knows he's my favourite person, I wish I was his favourite person sometimes, but I think he likes his boyfriend more than he likes me which is TOTALLY OKAY cause like he is literally his boyfriend, there's no way I can top that.

23:32, 21.04.24


I don't really remember my childhood. My mama says that can be caused by trauma, the brain deciding to forget the shit that happened to it, to cope. But she can't think of anything that coulda caused it. All I know is that whatever it is that happened, happened before that one day where I was nine. I'll be honest I can't really remember that either, but I remember crying, I remember being taken to a seperate room, and I cried more. I don't remember who I talked to, or what I said, or why I cried in the first place, but that's where my memory starts. Once in a while I'll taste a certain food, or smell a certain smell and be reminded of something, rarely, but it's been happening more and more often, and it's horrible.
This kid, whoever he is, isn't me. He's cruel and cold, he's rude to his friends, I don't even recognize him. And I can't turn it off, I can't stop seeing what he's done, and regretting his actions. My mama says I'm just like I was back then, but less cute and taller. I had longer hair and bigger teeth, so big I couldn't properly close my mouth. I had perfect vision and good hearing, I was skinny and short and I only had one proper friend, and I only liked girls.
I remember Olivia mockiing me, though I don't remember exactly what she said, I remember Pheobe who I think was my friend, I remember stealing gloves from a girl, I remember holding hands with Aidan, I remember what she did to me. I'd rather not write about that.
I think he would be proud of me, I'm taller and I've had girlfriends, I've had boyfriends, I got decent grades, I've drank and smoked, he always wanted to try that. It makes me feel like shit after but in the moment it gives me a sort of happiness I can't explain, it's like my brain finally relaxes and all the memories and the voice finally go away, and it's just me and the guilt.
Guilt's a guy I know well, I feel guilty for pushing Ema away, I feel guilty for breaking up with Lucy, I feel guilty for the things I say and the dumb shit I've done. I think remembering is overrated. There's a reason I don't know what happened, a reason I'm 6 at 15, a reason I day dream about the best way to position a gun, something happened to me when I was a kid, and whether I was raped or traumatised or whatever, I've lost a part of myself, I've lost 9 years, and it's fucking me up.
21:30, 18.4.24

I know this isn't really a blog cause I ain't talking about my day or whatever but I just wanna have my socials here somewhere! You don't have to have a reason to message me, just do it! :3
It would be nice if you mentioned "Hey, just coming from your website cause (insert reason here)"
Also, some parts of my website will be in Welsh, including blogs and some pages. I understand how annoying that may be for an english speaker but I have to be honest, that's not my problem. I'm much more comfortable in Welsh, and I wish I could speak it constantly but I don't think I'll get ANY sort of following in Welsh loll
Anyways, socials.
Discord : seithenyn
Twitter : o2swme
I may add more! I mostly use o2swme on everything or seithenyn so if you try those you'll probably find me.


" No matter where you go, everyone's